Students, staff and families of Longest Elementary enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon at their fall festival. From bouncy slides and fun games to concessions and math activities, the rain didn’t stop the fun!
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
image of games in gym
image of cake walk
image of math activities
image of gym and bouncy slides
The officers of STAND presented at the Greater Muhlenberg Chamber Meeting today. President Madison Morris shared the mission of STAND. Vice President Jes Robison shared the club’s theme and monthly topics. Secretary Abigail Skaggs shared information on Red Ribbon Rally.
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
image of Secretary Abigail Skaggs
image of Vice President Jes Robison
image of President Madison Morris
image of STAND officers and sponsors
Muhlenberg Achieves sponsored their 2nd annual College Expo at the Sue & Brown Badgett Center this afternoon. There were a variety of colleges and universities set up to share information with interested students and families.
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
Image of Muhlenberg Achieves
Image of Madisonville Community College
Image of student talking with Georgetown College
Image of students talking with University of Kentucky
Muhlenberg South Elementary held a paint party for students at last night’s family event. Students painted pieces that went along with the school’s “cruise” theme this year. Families took home the piece they chose to paint along with a snack.
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
image of families painting
image of families painting
image of turtle painting
image of families painting
Greenville Elementary recognized first responders this morning as a way to kick off Kentucky Schools Safety Week!
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
first responders recognized at assembly
image of GES student body
image of Ky School Safety Week Sign
first responders helping in drop off line
Muhlenberg South Middle’s dodgeball tournament has been a HIT with students today!
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
image of students playing dodgeball
image of students playing dodgeball
image of students in gym
image of dodgeball team
All Muhlenberg County Schools will be closed next week.
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
Happy Fall Break Image
Central City Elementary held a school assembly this morning where they recognized exceptional students. There was a special performance by the Golden Girls Dance Team.
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
image of principal
image of dancers
image of dancers
image of dancers
Ms. Beadnell at Central City Elementary offered her students a book bistro today complete with placemats, menus, and soft background music while rotating spots in order to finish a “meal” of reading. Students loved it!
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
image of students reading
image of students reading
image of students reading
image of menu sign
Middle school students participated in an aviation experience today as part of their exploration into the aviation industry at our local Muhlenberg County Airport.
over 2 years ago, Carla Embry
image of students at airport
image of students at airport
Image of Students at airport
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the district's attendance guidelines by reading this note from our Director of Pupil Personnel.
over 2 years ago, Muhlenberg County Public Schools
The following is a review of our attendance policy. With guidance from the Kentucky Department of Education we are back to recording dally attendance 3s we did pre-pandemic. Students are expected to attend dailv. It thev are unable, the school needs to be nothed of the absence and reason. below is the district's Ansences and Excuse Policv which exn ains how a student can ensure his her absence is excused versus unexcused. School handbooks or agenda books should also be reviewed ov parent for school-snecilcinstances of excused /unexcused absences. Students acman nexcuseo absences will be considered truant. If students are missing school due to Covid diagnosis, they need to report this to the school and share their doctors notes We hope to see great school attendance in 2022-2023 ABSENCES AND EXCUSES (So Bond Poicy 09. 1231 ANY PUPIL WHO HAS BEEN ABSENT ERM SCHOOLWIHOUT VALID EXCUSE FOR THREE 8 DAYS OR MORE. OR TAROY THREE (3) DAYS OR MORE. IS A TRUANT.A PUPIL WHO HAS BEEN REPORTED AS A TRUANT TWO 21 OR MORE TIMES IS A HABITUAL TRUANT AN ABSENCE FOR LESS THAN 35%, OF THE seven () susances lor lie lolowng vale reasons mery excused canvtime during the vear) oroyiled tovey are verified by choos and of wnhing (school prelereno8) by the slucers perent or quero an wrh n (5) dins of the student returning to school Arr shunno S. Partcipabon in school-relsted scirabes approved by the Prinoper, To pursue an educatons enhancement opporturly ol R Mandated courspoceaneas Reigious holdays and procaces wiih poor approval o 8. One day prior to departure at parent quardian caled to acive mirary duty, 9, One ( day upon tha resum of parentguardian trom active millary duty 10, One day for alterdance at the Kentucky State Far, or 11. Other vald reasons as deformince by the Principa Make-up work shall be permitted for excused absences only. The student wil be al owed the number of days 10 the number of das absent. It a toe students responsbilky to contact the foscher for make-up work or sgenda books should sis be reviewed by oarent for school-spechc netanois o excused excused absencos Grab your reader s attention with a great quole from the document or use lms space to emphasize a key point. 10 plar. this text pox anywhere on the page, just dras it. ountsch
Here is updated information regarding COVID procedures. Included in this post is our COVID Information Sheet, Testing Options as shared from Muhlenberg County Health Department, and a link to Kentucky's COVID information.
over 2 years ago, Muhlenberg County Public Schools