Here is our school district calendar for the 2025-2026 school year...
1 day ago, Carla Embry
Picture of District Calendar for 2025-2026 school year
It's National School Breakfast Week and we are very thankful for the cafeteria staff across the district who keep us fed each day.
6 days ago, Carla Embry
Picture of Greenville Elementary Cafeteria Staff
Representatives from our schools across the district along with administrators, community members, and a board member met over the past two days to work on the Muhlenberg County Schools Blueprint for Success. The group was led by Katie Martin with the Learner-Centered Collaborative. This initiative will help guide Muhlenberg County Schools over the next few years. More information will soon follow.
7 days ago, Carla Embry
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Blueprint for Success Group
Several of our elementary students across the district competed at the Regional Governor's Cup Competition this past weekend at R.E. Stevenson Elementary. Congratulations to the following academic teams and individuals: Overall team placement: 🏆 Greenville Elementary 2nd Place 🏆 Bremen Elementary 3rd Place 🏆 Central City Elementary 6th Place Quick Recall: 🏆Greenville Elementary 2nd Place 🏆Bremen Elementary 4th Place Future Problem Solving: 🏆Bremen Elementary 2nd Place 🏆Central City Elementary 3rd Place Mathematics: Myles Edwards BES 1st Place, Elijah Beegle GES 3rd Place, Christian Catron CCES 4th Place, Lincoln McPherson BES 4th Place, Jayce Harris GES 6th Place Social Studies: Jacob Sharma CCES 3rd Place Language Arts: Arin Dixon GES 2nd Place, Nellie Gardner BES 3rd Place, River Barclay GES 5th Place Arts and Humanities: Hudson Heltsley GES 3rd Place, Emily Nelson GES 5th Place Composition: Arin Dixon GES 1st Place
7 days ago, Carla Embry
Picture of Academic Team Members
📣Attention families with students starting Kindergarten this fall... Please call between 7:30-2:30 Monday-Friday the elementary school your child will attend to set up an appointment to register him/her for Kindergarten. Open registration will take place March 10-14.
12 days ago, Carla Embry
2025 Kindergarten Enrollment Open Registration March 10-14, 2025
At this evening's board meeting, the Board of Education voted to amend the 2024-2025 school calendar. March 17 will now be a regular instruction day (make-up day from February 21) instead of a work day as noted on the original calendar.
19 days ago, Carla Embry
2024-2025 Amended School Calendar
Good afternoon! Due to inclement weather and continued unsafe travel conditions, Muhlenberg County Schools will be closed tomorrow, February 21. This will be a traditional snow day for students, not an NTI day. A make-up date will be announced after board approval. Thank you
19 days ago, Carla Embry
Important Announcement
Good afternoon! Due to continued hazardous road conditions, all evening events and practices have been cancelled for this evening. Muhlenberg County Schools will remain closed for in-person learning on Thursday, February 20. This will be NTI Day #10. Thank you
20 days ago, Carla Embry
Important Announcement
Good evening! Due to the winter storm warning and impending weather forecast, all Muhlenberg County Schools will be closed Wednesday, February 19. This will be NTI Day #9. Thank you!
21 days ago, Carla Embry
Important Announcement
Muhlenberg County Schools will be operating under normal hours tomorrow. We will keep a close watch on weather as it may affect the rest of the week's schedule. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
22 days ago, Carla Embry
Muhlenberg County Schools Logo
👏Congratulations to Lexi DeArmond for signing her letter of intent yesterday to continue her volleyball career with Oakland City University this coming fall. 🏐
24 days ago, Carla Embry
Lexi and family
Lexi and family
Lexi and family
Lexi and friends
Lexi and family with athletic director
Lexi and family
Lexi and family
Lexi and family
Greenville Elementary hosted a Celebration of Learning last night for families K-5th grade. From showcasing student work and building ice cream sundaes to shopping the book fair and winning prizes, it was a fun-packed evening!
26 days ago, Carla Embry
Picture of book fair in gym
Picture of prize table
PIcture of FRC Coordinator and Guidance Counselor
Picture of students and their work
Picture of student and her work
Picture of student work
Picture of student work
Picture of student work
Picture of student work
All Muhlenberg County Schools will be closed for students on Monday, February 17, 2025. This will be a work day as listed on the calendar for MCS employees.
26 days ago, Carla Embry
No School, February 17 Happy Presidents' Day
Today marks 100 days of learning this school year!👏🏼 Here are just a few of the MANY memorable moments caught on camera. We look forward to celebrating many more exciting moments ahead.🎉
28 days ago, Carla Embry
Collage of pictures taken over the past 100 days of school
We are incredibly blessed with this group of employees and how they advocate and collaborate for our students and families! Pictured from left to right: Susie Blake, Tonia Stovall, Natalie Knowles, Ashley Romans, Jill Graham, Andrea Robertson, Vicki Taylor
29 days ago, Carla Embry
It's FRYSC Coordinator Appreciation Week-picture of all MCS Coordinators
It's "Love the Bus" month! February is nationally recognized as Love the Bus month. The yellow school bus is more than just a mode of transportation; it is a symbol of community, safety, and opportunity. Here's a special shoutout to all of our transportation employees-thank you!
about 1 month ago, Carla Embry
Picture of yellow school bus and saying, "Love the Bus Month!"
Mr. Eli Borwick and Ms. Ash Wingo with Kentucky Shakespeare are making their way throughout our elementary schools performing for our 3rd-5th grade students. This afternoon's performance at Bremen Elementary was Living History: We the People. These performances are made possible through the Felix E. Martin, Jr. Foundation.
about 1 month ago, Carla Embry
KY Shakespeare
KY Shakespeare
KY Shakespeare
KY Shakespeare
KY Shakespeare
KY Shakespeare
Checkout the latest GT Newsletter...
about 1 month ago, Carla Embry
GT Newsletter
If you have a child going to Kindergarten in August 2025 at Muhlenberg County Schools, please click the link below to sign up for Getting Ready 4 Kindergarten.
about 1 month ago, Jarrett Moore
Good afternoon! Due to a continued increase in student and staff illness, school will be cancelled for tomorrow, Thursday, January 30 and Friday, January 31. This will be NTI Day #7 and #8. We ask that adults & students remain home and away from others until you are fever free for 24 hours & all symptoms have improved. We hope everyone is able to rest and recuperate during this time. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday, February 3.
about 1 month ago, Jarrett Moore